You can also use stamps to make an attractive video. This is hardly known within philately, but Philaned shows how much fun this can be.

Enjoy the videos or submit a video yourself. The only condition is that you are the author of the video, you own the material, and the content is your intellectual property.


Philaned offers the following service to make it easy:

  • If you are not familiar with the editing of a video film, it is sufficient to send the images and the accompanying sound fragments as MP3 files via wetransfer, after which Philaned edits the elements to one mp4 file to be published after approval of the sender.
  • Of course we prefer a ready to use mp4 file.
  • There are still a few limitations in this start-up phase. Editing a video takes about 4 hours and is highly dependent on the quality of the material supplied. Images must meet the 300 dpi requirement.
  • The length of a video clip is also limited. For the time being, we use a maximum length of 15 minutes.
  • In all cases, however, it starts with the registration via the message below. In any case, include the title of the video, the creator of the video, the title of the music / sound source, the language of the video and a short summary.